Happy Holidays!
Before you wrap this year up, make sure you go all out & C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-E. Have some fun & play time with friends & family, but also take time to celebrate your personal wins. Remember when you connect celebrating yourself with new habits, it increases the chances you'll build new behaviors and and create lasting transformation. It's also a great way to prep for ringing in the new year. Here are 3 simple ways to prep for 2023:
Go celebrate! Mollie & Ender P.S. If having more energy, ease & flow are part of your 2023 wellness priorities, here are some workout & burnout rest tools to help you get started: REST TOOLS: Ho. Ho. Ho. It’s time to Roll. Our favorite foam roller is on sale until 12/31/22. It’s like having a PT, Chiro, Massage Therapist in one and the closest we can get to sending our hands home with you. You can find it here*. Stock up on bands to build a strong core: Core Bands* Super Bands* REST CAMPS: Grab your tools then let us show you our favorite massage & stretch moves with them in one of our online camps.
CAMPS WITH A CAUSE: For every camp sale, we’ll make a 15% donation to the Senior Dog Rescue Program at Beagle Freedom Project to help with their medical care. REST YOUR GUT: Get started on your Clean Eating Adventure with The Nutrition Starter Set. It'll help give your gut a bit of a rest break for 30 days by decreasing the toxic load from inflammatory foods and allergens. You'll learn a simple, safe way to detox for better energy, less inflammation, and/or to release some weight. 3 DAY REST ADVENTURE: If you're worn out, burned out, or just in need of a time out, our free 3 Day Rest Adventure is for you. Say Yes To Rest *denotes affiliate link FYI Beagle Freedom Project is a fav organization of ours that rescues and rehomes animals who have been used for lab testing in the United States and abroad. In addition, they also work tirelessly to champion laws and legislation to ban the cruel practice of animal testing nationwide.
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Mollie Miller, PT
Core Power Health & Fitness, Inc. does not provide medical advice. Consult a licensed physician prior to beginning any exercise or nutrition program.
Copyright © 2015 Core Power Health & Fitness Inc.
Core Power Health & Fitness, Inc. does not provide medical advice. Consult a licensed physician prior to beginning any exercise or nutrition program.
Copyright © 2015 Core Power Health & Fitness Inc.