A 30 minute Telehealth Consult to help you with any of the following:
- Modifications to your current fitness program with Bodywork, Pilates Rehab, or Rest Tools
- Resources to help you navigate the Rehab system
- Referrals to build your Rehab or Rest Team
- Problem solve and add Pilates modifications or progressions to your complex client's programs (for Pilates Instructors or Physical Therapists)
"I was suffering from plantar fasciitis for 6 months but tried to ignore the pain and kept running. I reached out to Mollie when I couldn’t handle the pain anymore. She gave me a program that addressed the root problem (my hips and posture) plus recommended tweaks to my “lifestyle” which helped me return to running pain free in a few weeks. It's 2 years later, I’m running several times a week, and the pain never came back. I use the exercises and tools I learned from Mollie to take care of my body and stay pain free."- Isabel Serrano PhD, Holistic Health Coach |
A 75 minute training session with Ender at your home or gym. Includes one or more of the following techniques depending on what your body needs: Flexibility, Massage, Strength, and/or Power Training to maximize your athletic performance, prevent injury and improve the mechanics of your sport. Get warm up, training and recovery techniques for your specific sport and body.
A 30 minute Sports Performance Consult via teleconference that includes:
- Movement analysis of your posture and muscle imbalances
- Home exercise program, warm up, and recovery recommendations customized for your sport
- Resources/Referrals to support your goals
- One follow up check in by text/email to ask questions